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From time to time I host a server for myself and a few friends, but new people are welcome too!

It's down most of the time.


  • IP:

  • Default game directory:

    • Windows: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming.minecraft (%APPDATA% in file explorer)
    • Linux: ~/.minecraft
      • You can launch .jar files on with "java -jar file.jar". Package with java is named "jre8-openjdk" on Arch and "openjdk-8-jre" on Ubuntu.
  • Pirated MC note: You can use TLauncher to download the game if you do not have a paid account. There's account switch mod which lets you choose the username.


  • Install 64-bit java

  • MultiMC (must have paid account)

    • Install MultiMC
    • Set minimum and maximum RAM allocation to '16384 MB' after launching MultiMC
    • Create a new 1.12.2 instance
    • Edit it, install latest Forge in the Version tab
    • Click View Folder in the Loader Mods tab - drop the mods in this folder
  • Manual (not recommended)

    • Download the game, forge and mods
    • Copy the contents of the downloaded folder(Minecraft 1.12.2) to the default game directory
    • Run Minecraft client, login, quit
    • Run forge .jar and click OK (Install the client version which is selected by default)
    • Run Minecraft client, click Edit Profile
    • Select appropriate forge version under the Use Version column(they're at the bottom of the list)
    • tick "JVM Arguments" checkbox and add/edit these parameters -Xms16G -Xmx16G
    • Finally, if you're still having trouble, there's an old video tutorial


Clear all items on the ground - /kill @e[type=Item]

Where to get Forge

Main place to get mods rarely, some mods won't use Curseforge but a build server or a webpage (IC2 for example)

-Xms is startup memory and -Xmx is maximum allowed memory. -Xms8G -Xmx8G - makes minecraft start with 8GB and will let allocate memory up to 8GB as needed... This is useful as reallocation is costly so let's just go with max.

# Will install/update server + forge in the current directory.
java -jar forge-*-installer.jar --installServer


Server setup